Tim Llewellyn (aka Dr Tim) posted an update in the group
4 months ago (edited)
Something Justin Adams played earlier in the masterclass set me off on a little journey.
I managed to make a work in progress (ie not at all finished) video of what I put together in Ableton in the intervening time.
The working title is Desert Hunter
I left out the crappy vibeless midi percussion I put together quickly to enable
me to get this far.
The rhytm guitar and bass is just 2 bar loops and I sort of dodled some lead over the top.
I am sure I can do better with some decent backing (percussion etc) to rerecord/develop the parts along too if anyONE is up for having a go at that.
Working to a click track is so voibe destroying (for me anyway). and building up a vibe from a simple idea can be quite and itterative process I find.
I didn’t have a working title untill half an hour ago whan DeSert Hunter popped into my head, so that is what it will callled for now. Maybe some lyrics/melody wiil appear soon?
I am having problems playing the video I just uploaded though. |It seems like I may have overloaded the server! Ir would be much easier if I could upload and audio file though, making the video took longer than making the audio. Another problem is in typing this commen I can barely read the very faint grey text on a black background. @edd
@tim.llewellyn Text is now changed in the comments box to white. Much easier to read. Good shout
@edd Very good thank you, I will make less typos now I can see what I type before I send it. I has having the lean forwards and lift up glasses before which is not good for my body.
Update I had to convert from mpv to mp4 to upload here bit I am now playing the mpv I uploaded to facebook. afterwards It took about 15 minutes for facebook to cruch it (looking for copyright infringement and obscenities presumably). WHen I click play here all i get is an incessent white rotatiing circle. @edd
OK video plays OK in CHrome but not my usual Firefox it seems. @edd edd
@tim.llewellyn there is one thing seriously missing here and that is your voice. I know you can sing or atleast express yourself vocally
@edd I do try. First I need lyrics. Got song title last night whivchh is a start and im the process of resurecting some of the old studionb gear here including the mic’s and valve preamps//. ONce I get the idea though self productyion is a challenge that detracts from creativity. though
@edd I can berley real the light gray text on black baclkground though when making comments. CAn you do sometyhing abput that please asap? Regards
@tim.llewellyn Yes I totally know what you mean. I’ll add that to my list
@edd another problem I just noticed. I was playing the video when I clicked to expand the text and the video stopped playing. Same if I edit text and video is playing, video stops.
@edd I am getting “The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.” now when I try and play it in the latest Firefox now. Apparently a solution is to turn of hardware graphics accelerattion. I made th viceo with obs studio and then converted in the mp4 with vlc.
@tim.llewellyn Is this with the same video or is this regarding uploading new videos? I’m getting an error uploading new videos above 100mb and will get this fixed on Monday
Just this video, although NIwel reported problems with sound on the only other vide I uplooaded so far. THis vide is only 20 od MB so its is not the same size iisue you encountered. NowI just get a roltating cicrle when I tray and play this video. It definitely worked OK when I upkloaded it (after I converted from mpv to mp4 with VLC, the site fidn’t like the mpv that OBC Studio created). Hmmm