Niwel Tsumbu posted an update
4 months ago (edited)
Hello my people! How are you all doing?what a great platform Edd has created!❤️❤️❤️
How many hours a day do I need to practice a day to play like this?
@edd days without eating when he was younger according to something I just saw on Facebook.
@tim.llewellyn Yeah. Fun fact also. @niwel-tsumbu actually spent 3 entire years whilst in Ireland where he ate nothing but peanuts for the whole time. Basically he ate too much dinner before a show once and a friend in the crowd said he didn’t look like he was playing at his best and then he just stuck to peanuts to avoid ever getting too bloated before a gig……but he felt so good he just kept to straight peanuts everyday. He only stopped because it was getting too much of a hassle when he’d go to friends for dinner and they wanted to give him real food
@edd I love peanuts. It’s good to know, if necessary, I could survive off of them (as long as I have a nice beer to wash them down).
25 hours a day, 8 days a week.
It’s not about how many hours, it’s more about how much focus you give it and consistency
So how do we stay focussed guru @niwel-tsumbu
@edd practice in SLOW MOTION pay more attention on the movement of the body rather than the notes
@niwel-tsumbu Ok Yoda. I’ll get working on it
@niwel-tsumbu I was going to say “focus and consistency” are my middle names but then I went on vacation for a week and wasn’t able to touch an instrument for the whole time. I imagined myself playing my bass the practiced taping rhythms on my belly while walking to hold me over. 😉
Then there’s hope yet! Thank you!
@matthew-smith yes plenty plenty hope my friend
I agree and am looking forward to seeing what new directions it takes, connections it makes. Its a small world after all.