Ben Kobus posted an update in the group
Music Production Support Group
Hi Adrian. I’ve just joined the group. I’m learning music production, self-instructed, so might not have much to contribute yet; but questions aplenty. I don’t know how far my current project fits into the scope of this group, so somebody let me know: I can set up a separate group if it does not fit here.
The project is setting up a Blokas Pisound interface on a Rapberry Pi4 as a portable effects box for guitar (not excusively but for starters).
Pisound – Raspberry Pi Sound Card & MIDI Interface
Pisound is an ultra-low latency high-quality sound card and MIDI interface specially designed for Raspberry Pi pocket computers.
1 Comment-
Tim Llewellyn (aka Dr Tim) (edited)
Hi, I don’t want to discourage your efforts at all and I am sure it will be good learning exprience but the BLOKASS is 100 quid it seems and you can pick up for example a second hand Boss GT-1 (which is quite a powerdful device with plenty of useful buttons and computer editing software) etc for only a bit more if guitar effects is all you are interest in. Now if you can add backing track playing with interactive sequencing of song parts/arrrangement (MIDI and Audio) the might be interesting. Also useful would be powerfull audio looping and i/o over USB (like the recently released ULooper for Yamaha THR/Spark/Katana USB amps etc.