Clive Barreto
Clive Barreto posted an update in the group
Music Production Support Group 6 weeks ago
Hi, I’m primarily a musician and only just recently decided to dive into the realm of music production. I have chosen reaper as my DAW of choice and am using the free version of amplitube 5 as my amp sim. Now the problem i have run into is when i playback with DI i get almost no latency from what i play however when i activate my vst for the amp… Read more
@adrian.parzentny is definitely your man for this question
Hey @Clive.B thanks for your question, I’m Ady and the “Music Production Guy” on this platform, to help you with this issue.
The first thing you need to check is the so called “Requested Block Size” also know as buffer size in other programs. You can find it in Reaper here (See screenshots)
1. REAPER > Settings …
2. Go to the “Audio” Section…