Matthew SMITH posted an update
I would like to feel more relaxed while playing music and in daily life. How can I improve on this aspect please?
@matthew-smith Do you move when you play music? Do you dance, groove, shake a bit, step in time with the music?
A bit. I am allowing myself to do more lately and that feels good. Especially in the hips and back where I am tightest. I can definitely do more though. It helps with letting go of the self restraint I put on myself.
@matthew-smith I used to slightly arch my lower back when I play and then I would compensate for it by doing the opposite with my upper back and shoulders. After a two hour gig it would ache. I just started putting more attention on keeping my hips loose and bouncing more and that had a positive knock on effect on the whole back. I started going to 3 yoga classes a week and that obviously made an impact too
@edd That is at least part of my problems, exacerbated my real heavy guitars when I was younger and far too much computer use as well as other things. Focusing on breathing helps also (it’s not just a singer thing).
But of course! Dancing! What a wonderfully elegant solution! Thank you!